Below are some of our most commonly asked questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question here, then please get in contact with us!
What are The Cardrona Doctors' operating hours?
We're open from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday for your convenience
After hours service information:
Cardrona Doctors is closed on weekends and public holidays.
For urgent care outside of our opening hours, your call will be diverted to the afterhours telehealth agency. Your call will be answered by a nurse or a doctor. Afterhours service fee may be charged by the telehealth agency.
If there is a medical emergency call 111 or seek urgent medical attention from the nearest emergency departments at Queenstown hospital.
Attending other after-hours services including the Lakes medical Centre may incur a casual patient fee.
I've got COVID-19 symptoms but still want to make my appointment. Is that okay?
If you're not feeling great with COVID-19-like symptoms, please wait outside and give us a call. We'll sort you out with further assistance. Safety first!
Just a reminder, for everyone's well-being, we can't have you come inside with any COVID-19 symptoms. A staff member with the appropriate protective equipment will then assist you accordingly.
Covid-19 testing available at Cardrona Doctors
Absolutely! If you need a COVID-19 test, please do not come into the practice. Instead, give us a call.
Ensuring the safety of our staff, patients, and the broader community is our foremost concern.
What if I can't make it to my appointment?
No worries! Life happens, and if you need to cancel or change your GP or nurse appointment, just give us a call at least 1 hour before the scheduled appointment time. This allows us to offer the slot to another patient.
Please be aware that late cancellations (less than 1 hour before a scheduled appointment) or non-attendance may result in a charge equivalent to the full cost of the consultation. You can review our fees for cancellation and non-attendance here.
How do i provide feedback?
If you have any feedback or wish to make a complaint, we at Cardrona Doctors are committed to delivering the highest standards of care and service. Your satisfaction is our priority. If, however, you feel dissatisfied with the care received during your visit, you have the right to file a complaint under Right 10, The Code of Health and Disability Services 1996.
We encourage open communication, so please feel free to discuss any concerns with us at your earliest convenience. We are here to address them promptly and work towards a resolution.
Will I be contacted about my laboratory and/or test results?
When one of our GPs or nurses recommends a test, we make sure to inform you about the purpose of the test, as well as the method and timing for receiving your results. As part of our policy, we typically do not reach out to patients when their laboratory and/or test results are normal. However, if you prefer to be contacted even for normal results, kindly inform your GP or one of our nurses, and we'll be happy to accommodate your preference.
In the case of abnormal results requiring further action, a member of our clinical team will promptly get in touch with you. Patients registered on Vensa, our health portal, can access their laboratory and test results online. If you wish to register for Vensa, please feel free to reach out to a member of our reception team.
I would like to enrol my child or children at Cardrona Doctors, how do I do that?
Your decision to enrol your child or children at Cardrona Doctors is greatly appreciated, and we are here to assist you through the process. To enrol your child or children, you have the convenient option of doing so online here.
Alternatively, you are welcome to visit our practice, where a member of our reception team will be more than happy to guide you through the manual enrolment process. Kindly note that it is a prerequisite for at least one parent to be enrolled at Cardrona Medical Centre before enrolling their child or children with us.
How can I request a repeat prescription, and how much does it cost?
Getting a repeat prescription is easy – you can request it online through Vensa, our health and wellbeing portal. This portal is not only handy for repeat prescriptions but also allows you to book appointments and check your test results. If you haven't registered for Vensa yet and would like to, simply reach out to our reception team at the number below.
Alternatively, you can give us a call at 03 566 9090 to request a repeat prescription. Just make sure you have the details of the medication(s) you need when you contact us. Please note that the prescribing medical staff may decide on the necessity of a consultation before issuing a repeat prescription. Standard prescriptions take up to 48 hours to reach your nominated pharmacy. For urgent prescriptions, available for same-day collection, an additional fee of $5.00 applies.
The cost for a standard repeat prescription is currently $21.00 and for community service card holders is $19.50, payable at the time of the request. You can make the payment online within Vensa or by calling our reception team.